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Fruit Expo Congress

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Date 5-6.12.2024Hall EConference Hall 1

10:30 - 11:30

Conference block of the Union of Polish Fruit Growers

11:30 - 15:30

Orchard conference


11:30 - 12:00

Cherry cultivation through the eyes of the grower and vice-president of the National Cherry Growers Association

Dariusz Szymczak

12:00 - 12:20

Butternut on bird cherry or on antipode? How to achieve rapid fruiting and a high reproducible yield?

Marek Sidor, horticultural advisor PROCAM Polska

12:20 - 12:40

Protection of cherry orchards against diseases and pests, taking into account upcoming changes in the protection programme

Dr Krzysztof Gasparski Chief Horticultural Advisor
Tomasz Olszewski Director of the Horticultural Section of PROCAM Poland

12:40 - 13:00

Long-term prospects for cherry and apple production for processing

Romuald Łuczak, NaturFresh Produce


13:00 - 13:45

What to uproot and what to plant? The high cost of establishing an orchard and the dynamic changes in global markets and force very considered decisions

Marcin Piesiewicz fruit grower and practitioner, orchard consultant

13:45 - 14:00

Amendments to captan registration related to dose restrictions and use rules

Arkadiusz Slawinski, Horticultural Crops Manager UPL

14:00 - 14:15

Silicon and calcium - fashion or necessity?

14:15 - 14:30

Combined use of plant protection products and foliar fertilisers and the effectiveness of treatments. Which mixtures should be avoided and which should be used without much concern?

Przemysław Kucharczyk, ADOB Horticulture Sector Director

14:30 - 15:30

Control of problematic diseases and pests in apple and pear cultivation

Dr Andrzej Soska, orchard consultant Soska Konsulting


Opening of the Berry Congress

Dziekan Wydziału Ogrodnictwa i Architektury Krajobrazu, dr hab. Katarzyna Dzida, Profesor UP Lublin

BLOCK I: Understanding the soil

10:35 - 11:00

Soil enemies of berry species: a ranking of harmfulness.

Dr inż. Aneta Chałańska, Nef Science

11:00 - 11:25

Organic carbon and microbial biodiversity key to restoring fertility in tired soils.

Prof. do hab. Zofia Zydlik, UP Poznań

11:25 - 11:50

‘The battle for the soil microbiome’.

Albert Zwierzyński, Doradca Jagodowy

Answers to questions and discussion.

BLOCK II: Understanding the plant

11:50 - 12:15

Hit or miss: gems among the new strawberry varieties.

Iza Witczak, Boryna Plant

12:15 - 12:40

Growing dessert blackberries: practical tips from a grower.

Piotr Figura, Plantator malin i jeżyn z Lubelszczyzny

12:40 - 13:10

Growing dessert blackberries: practical tips from a grower.

Dr inż. Piotr Baryła, UP Lublin, współwłaściciel plantacji „Porzeczkowa demofarma”

Answers to questions and discussion.

13:10 - 14:00

Coffee break, visit to exhibition stands

BLOCK III: Fertilisation and biostimulation

14:00 - 14:25

Correct fertilisation of early versus late varieties: how to succeed.

Jarosław Barszczewski, Calfert

14:25 - 14:50

How to safely accelerate versus effectively delay strawberry fruiting.

Dr hab. Zbigniew Jarosz, prof. UP, Doradca Jagodowy

Answers to questions and discussion.

BLOCK IV: How to make money from ‘blueberries’

14:50 - 15:20

Is it possible to make money from a traditional or biodynamic vineyard.

Dr hab. Magdalena Kapłan, prof. UP, właścicielka winnicy „Nobilis”

15:20 - 15:50

An idea begets an idea, or the evolution of the ‘Farm My Fruit’ farm

Mateusz Maruszewski, plantator, właściciel firmy „Lody z farmy”

15:50 - 16:20

Cooperation with sales networks: a necessity or a bumpy road

Adam Borzęcki, Boryna


Answers to questions and discussion.

Albert Zwierzyński, Doradca Jagodowy


End of the Berry Congress

University of Life Sciences stand (E5.02c): Florist workshop: ‘Utility kokedama starring the strawberry – step by step’ by Dr Karolina Pitura, 11:00 am and 1:00 pm (registration for the workshop on 6 December 2024 from 10:00 am to 10:30 am)

Running parallel to the conference are: Substantive Technology Workshops (MWT) during which speakers answer growers’ questions and give individual agrotechnical recommendations (VIP room Boryna, opposite the lecture hall).

Biologisation in horticulture - how to put ‘Zero residue’ technology into practice

10:30 - 11:00

Elements that build natural plant immunity.

Albert Zwierzyński, Berry Advisor

11:00 - 11:30

Mycorrhization the answer to tired soils and harsh environmental conditions.

Szymon Kamiński, Bioagris.

11:30 - 12:00

Bacteria at the service of technology: mineralisation of plant residues, fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, mobilisation of volatilised phosphorus.

Wojciech Szyszkowski, Bio Gen

12:00 - 12:20

Spider mite and thrips control technology using MiteMine organic formulation

Ezekiel Guard, Cosmocel

12:20 - 13:00

Biological and non-chemical solutions in an anti-resistance strategy: effective protection without residues.

Bartłomiej Drzazga, Andermatt

13:00 - 13:40

„Hard way to organic farming… G4TF in practice”

Jan Vanherck
Paweł Jesiotr, Certis Belchim

13:40 - 14:00

Plant biostimulation in organic farming and ‘Zero residue’ technology

Jarosław Barszczewski, Calfert

14:00 - 14:20

Comprehensive plant protection and stimulation technology using silicon.

Zbigniew Jarosz, UP Lublin/Doradca Jagodowy

14:20 - 14:50

Panel discussion: Perspectives for the development of the market of ‘organic’ products in Poland and worldwide - is it worth going in this direction?

Beata i Maks Karpierz (Borówka Henrykowska)
Popławski Rafał (RafBerry)
Tomasz Olszewski, PROCAM Polska
Zbigniew Jarosz, Albert Zwierzyński, Doradca Jagodowy

14:50 - 15:00

Summary and conclusion of the conference

Trade Fair Medal Ceremony


December 5


Fair Trade
Hall E